
Searchable • Contextual • Onboarding
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Onboarding is the process of integrating a new employee to the company by familiarizing the company rules, traditions, and work procedures.

There are several stages of onboarding that differ from one company to another. To create your company onboarding processes go to Humans>>Onboarding>>Onboarding Steps or Period. If there are stages of the onboarding, created them first using the Onboarding Periods.

Click the plus button and fill in the form.

After you have created all onboarding phases, go to Humans>>Onboarding Steps and create the procedures. Click the plus button and fill in the form.

If you check the box “Create Onboarding Entry Form”, the step will be added as a separate section under the Onboarding module which you can later link to your candidates or your employees with different statuses.


Created by Aziza Israilova, 
May 2019